SAP- UI5 and FIORI Training institute in Bhubaneswar

Fiori is collection of Business Apps from SAP that can run on mobile, tablet and desktop. These apps are developed using Design Thinking methodology and follow specific design Guidelines.

However, SAP Fiori is an umbrella term used for the User Experience(UX) strategy SAP has come up with. It has to do with the front end / UI development. This strategy has various technologies under it like SAPUI5, Fiori Launch pad, Theme Designer etc.

SAPUI5 is a HTML5 library package from SAP. SAPUI5 uses JQuery library as its core library and many other SAP specific libraries . This is used to develop fiori apps.

SAP Ui5/oData/Fiori Overview:

  • What is SAPUI5?
  • Previous technologies before SAPUI5.
  • Disadvantages of previous technologies.
  • Advantages of Sapui5 and how it overcomes the disadvantages of previous technologies.
  • Architecture of SAP UI5 (MVC).
  • Understanding each layer of MVC model.
  • Landscape of SAPUI5 Fiori applications.
  • Clear understanding on End to End Data flow in SAPUi5/Fiori apps.
  • What is SAP Fiori
  • Difference between Ui5 and Fiori Applications.
  • Introduction to SAP WEBIDE and Hana cloud platform

  • Overview of SAP Cloud platform
  • Advantages of SAP WEBIDE
  • Creating an Account in HANA cloud.
  • Accessing the WEBIDE from Hana cloud platform.
  • Creating a Sample project using WEBIDE
  • Detail explanation on each file and folder in the project
  • Initial flow of execution in SAPUI5 Application

  • Creating the Project
  • Understanding index.html,bootstrap,shell, Component.js and manifest.json files in depth.
  • Understanding the Base view and View container.
  • Routing:

  • Detail explanation on Routing
  • Creating Two views for the navigation
  • Configuring the Routes and Targets for the views in manifest.json
  • Navigate from one page to other using URL Pattern
  • Navigation from one view to other view using buttons.
  • Exercise on Creating a sample views and understanding the complete flow with navigation between the pages.
  • Introduction to View & Controllers

  • Creating a view
  • Understanding the view’s Controller
  • Understanding the Controller’s Hook methods
  • Exercise on Creating a sample view and Implementing controller methods
  • Basis UI elements in SAPUI5

  • Working with different properties of basic UI elements like Text, Label, Input, Button etc.
  • Clear explanation on various properties and their purpose as per real time projects.
  • Dynamically changing UI element properties.

  • Changing the UI element behavior at runtime
  • Exercise for enable disable input fields at runtime
  • Exercise for show hide UI elements at runtime.
  • Exercise for setting dynamic text etc.
  • Introduction to Different Layouts

  • What is a Layout
  • Various Layouts in SAP UI5
  • Working with Simple form layout , Matrix layout , Grid Layouts
  • Working with HBOX, VBOX, Flexbox
  • Working with Panel , Icon tab bar
  • Working with Object Header
  • Displaying the form using 2 column and 4 columns design.
  • Exercise on Creating a Form Using various layouts
  • Validating the User Input

  • Types of Validation
  • Exercise on Mandatory data validation
  • Exercise on valid data validation (like.. email, phone number , pin code)
  • Exercise on Showing red color input field and error messages.
  • Message Handling

  • Various types of Messages in SAP UI5
  • Showing ERROR, SUCCESS, WARNING Messages
  • Exercise on Showing various messages in SPA UI5
  • Different Kinds of Models

  • JSON Model
  • OData Model
  • Resource Model
  • Working with all Models and understand when to use which model.
  • Binding

  • Understanding the Binding Concept
  • Various types of Binding
  • Property Binding
  • Aggregation Binding
  • Element Binding
  • Exercise on Binding the UI elements with bothJSON and ODataModels
  • Passing data from one view to other

  • Different ways of passing data from one view to other
  • Passing the data using json Model
  • Passing data using Model + binding concept
  • Passing data using Router with parameter
  • Passing data using element binding concept
  • Exercise on Passing data from one view to other in all these ways
  • Playing with Complex UI Elements with JSON DATA

  • Overview on different Categories of UI elements like (simple, value holders , complex , layouts, dialog etc ..)
  • Working with drop downs, combo box, multi combo box
  • Working with radio buttons, check box and value help (F4 help)
  • Working with Tables and List UI elements
  • Practical Exercise on all these UI elements
  • Working with Popup Dialogs and Fragments

  • Introduction to Fragments for reusable scenarios
  • Using Fragments for Popup dialogs using dialog UI element
  • Implementing F4 help functionality using Fragments
  • Exercise on PopupDialogs
  • HANA Cloud Connector(HCC) for front end to back end connectivity

  • Installing HANA cloud connector to connect WEBIDE to SAP gateway system
  • Configuration of HCC to point to gateway system
  • Creating Hana cloud platform destination
  • Establishing connection from WEBIDE to SAP Gateway system.
  • Working with ODATA Model

  • Creating ODATA Model to connect to ODATA service created in the back end
  • Consuming ODATA service to get the real back end data and perform CRUD operations from SAPUI5 Application .
  • Repeating all the UI elements with real back end data using ODATA Model like dropdown, combobox, multicombobox, radiobuttons, List , Table etc.
  • Property binding, Aggregation binding and Element binding using ODATA Model
  • Implementing F4 help functionality using real back end data using ODATA Model
  • Exercise on all these concepts practically with real time examples.
  • File Upload download Functionality

  • Uploading the file using File uploader UI element from sapui5
  • Downloading the file using ODATA service.
  • Developing Graphs / Charts

  • Column chart
  • Bar chart
  • Pie chart
  • line chart
  • Practical exercise on all the charts
  • Internationalization in SAPUI5/Fiori

  • Creating i18n folder
  • Maintaining property bundles for various languages
  • Binding the text values using the i18n resource model
  • Creating a separate property for to maintain text of each language
  • Making the application to support for multiple languages
  • SAP UI5 end to end Project (With complete real time standards)

  • Creating a SAPUI5 application
  • Creating 4 views for performing CRUD operations
  • Navigation between the views
  • Reading the back-end data into the Table in SAPUI5
  • Implementing all CRUD operations in the project
  • Deploying the application to Gateway server.
  • Configuring this application to fiori launch pad.
  • SAP FIORI Course Content

    Introduction to SAP Fiori

  • What is SAP fiori application
  • Difference between SAPui5 application and SAP Fiori Application
  • Overview on SAP fiori design guidelines
  • Introduction to custom fiori application and standard fiori application.
  • Developing an end to end Custom Fiori application

  • Introduction to Fiori templates
  • Using Fiori Master Detail template to develop the Master detail Fiori application for making decision orieneted apps like approve/reject
  • Using Fiori master Detail CRUD template to develop a Fiori application for all CRUD operations
  • Using Fiori Worklist Template to develop a Worklist related application.
  • Introduction to custom fiori application and standard fiori application.
  • Extending a Standard Fiori Application

  • Creating Extension project for a standard fiori Application using SAP WEBIDE
  • Using View Modification to hide or show an element
  • Using View Extension to extend the UI
  • Using View replacement to replace the original code and inject our custom logic
  • Controller Extension to extend the functionality
  • Controller Replacement to replace the original code and inject our custom logic

    Introduction to SAP Fiori and Architecture

  • Embedded architecture
  • Central HUB architecture
  • Components Installed
  • Fiori Launch Pad Configuration

  • What is Fiori launch pad?
  • Creating RFC b/w gateway and backend
  • Creating trusted connection
  • Creating Trusted RFC
  • Creating system aliases using SPRO
  • Enabling standard UI5 services by going to SICF
  • Adding standard ODATA services using maint_service
  • Adding the standard USER and ADMIN roles using PFCG
  • Standard fiori apps configuration

  • Intro to Fiori Apps Library
  • Adding the application specific standard odata services using MAINT_SERVICE
  • Activating the application specific UI5 service using SICF
  • Adding the Authorizations using PFCG
  • Custom to SAPUI5/SAP Fioriapps configuration in Launchpad

  • Create LPD_CUST role
  • Creating the semantic object
  • Creating Catalog, Tile and group
  • Creating a PFCG role and adding the catalog and group and assigning it to user .
  • Theme builder

  • Creating a Custom theme using theme builder and applying to launch pad
  • Changing the logo, back ground colors as per the client requirements.
  • Others

  • How to solve the cache issues
  • Performance improvement
  • General issues and resolutions.

    The Neptune DXP - SAP Edition is an SAP certified Rapid Application Development Platform, that sits on top of your existing ABAP stack. No upgrades or external connectors needed!

    It enables you to design, build, integrate, deploy and maintain Neptune Fiori applications, in a fraction of the time it takes with other platforms — accelerating the delivery of desktop, mobile and offline solutions.

    Neptune Overview:

    • What is Neptune Planet 8?
    • Neptune Tools
    • Application Framework

    Basic App Design

    • Basic Framework SplitApp
    • Navigation List
    • Navigation between Pages
    • Product List Extension and Web Shop Function
    • Webshop Cart Function
    • Search Filter
    • Offline Enablement

    App Deployment

    • Launchpad
    • Tiles
    • Policies
    • Groups
    • Mobile Client

    Duration:45hrs (1hr per day)–Monday - Saturday

    Note: The best part of our training is, we develop two end to end projects with complete real time standards, one for SAPUI5, another for SAP Custom Fiori development and Standard Fiori Extension also.

    Best feedback we got: After attending your training, we can able to work on Realtime projects easily . from SAPIMA Tech students

    Looking forward to meet you …