SAP ABAP Training institute in Bhubaneswar

ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the main programming language supported on the SAP NetWeaver ABAP application server platform and the applications running on it, such as SAP ERP (formerly R / 3), S / 4HANA and CRM. SAPIMA Tech is the best SAP ABAP training institute in Shahed Nagar, Bhubaneswar.

SAP uses ABAP to implement its own applications on the NetWeaver ABAP platform, and SAP customers use ABAP to modify the functionality of SAP applications or create their own applications on the NetWeaver ABAP platform with the top SAP ABAP training institute in Shahed Nagar. ABAP is the oldest and probably the most used of the four main SAP application platforms, which also includes SAP NetWeaver Java, SAP HANA and SAP Cloud Platform.

SAP ABAP training institute started in the 1980s as a reporting language in SAP products. It played a central role in SAP R / 3 as the main language for implementing and extending the Enterprise Planning System (ERP). Over the years, it has acquired new features, including the introduction in 1999 of object-oriented constructs, called ABAP objects, and the introduction of new methods of accessing the database and a large number of new syntax from 2010.

By far the biggest developer of ABAP code is SAP itself. However, several thousand ABAP developers work with SAP customers and consulting companies to manage and modify SAP systems. ABAP regularly ranks in the top 30 of the Tiobe Index, which tracks the popularity of programming languages.

Developers who work in ABAP typically do so in ABAP development tools (a set of plug-ins for the Eclipse open source Java development platform) or in the ABAP Workbench transaction in the SAP GUI. Both environments offer a set of development tools, ranging from code completion to automated test tools.

Introduction to ERP

  • What is ERP?
  • Why we need ERP?
  • Advantages of ERP
  • Differences between ERP and MRP
  • Major ERP Packages

Introduction to SAP & R/3 Architecture

  • What is SAP?
  • History & Features of SAP
  • Categories of SAP People
  • SAP R/1 and SAP R/2 Architectures
  • SAP R/3 Architecture
  • Different components in 3 tier architecture including types of Work Processes

Introduction to ABAP/4

  • What is ABAP?
  • Start and Stop SAPMMC
  • Logon to SAP Environment
  • Differences between Practice and Live Systems
  • Different parts in the Initial Screen of SAP
  • ABAP Work bench
  • Transaction Codes
  • Multitasking Commands
  • Different Work bench tools
  • Object Navigator
  • Mandatory and Optional Fields
  • System provided Help Documentations and Search helps
  • Types of Objects and Packages

ABAP Dictionary (DDIC)

  • ABAP Dictionary Introduction
  • Definition and its usage
  • Different types of DDIC Objects
  • Data Dictionary Objects

Data Base Tables

  • Different Types of Data Base Tables
  • Different Approaches to create the Data Base Tables
  • Reusability hierarchy of Domains, Data Elements and Tables
  • Client dependent and Independent Tables
  • Key and Initial Value Check Boxes
  • Creation of the Data Base Tables
  • Currency and Quantity Fields
  • Creation of Table Entries
  • Execution of the tables
  • Change the selection fields
  • Change from field names to Field Labels and Vice versa
  • Change the Layout
  • Hide and Appear the fields in the Table output
  • Download the table data in different formats
  • Table Maintenance Generator(TMG) and its uses
  • Creation of TMG
  • One step and Two step table Maintenance
  • Creation of custom T-code for table Maintenance
  • Copy, Delete and Change the table
  • Need of delete TMG and Recreate again
  • Table Adjustment
  • Foreign key relation ship
  • Importance of relationship between Value and text table
  • Creation of the Data base table without using data elements
  • Differences between the table with data elements and without data elements.
  • Different ways to check the relation ship
  • Value table
  • Indexes-Primary and Secondary
  • Differences between value table and Check table
  • Technical properties of the table
  • Identification of Different standard tables
  • Special tables related to work bench tools
  • Differences between Transparent, Pooled and Cluster Tables
  • Open and Native SQL
  • Table Events and Additional Functionalities to Table Maintenances

Data Types

  • Data Elements with and without Domains
  • Definition
  • Creation of data element
  • Parameters IDs and Change Documents
  • Structures
  • Definition
  • Creation of Structure
  • Include and Append Structures to the tables
  • Differences between Include and Append Structures
  • Append the structure in the standard tables

Table Types

  • Definition
  • Creation of Table Types and their usage
  • Domains

  • Definition
  • Creation of Domain
  • Lower case, value Range and Conversion Routines
  • Creation Value range using single values, Intervals and Value table
  • Lower case option
  • Decimal places importance
  • Output Length
  • Enhance fixed values of the Standard Domains
  • Sign
  • Search helps

  • Definition
  • Creation of Elementary Search help
  • Creation of Collective Search help
  • Different Types of Dialogues
  • Assign the Search Helps to the table
  • Search help exit and Hot Keys
  • Search help using the Help View
  • Different ways to provide the search help on the table field
  • Enhance standard collective Search Helps
  • Views

  • Database View
  • Maintenance view
  • Projection view
  • Help view
  • Usage of Each View
  • Type Groups

  • Definition
  • Creation of Type Groups
  • Usage
  • Lock objects

  • Definition
  • Types of Lock Modes
  • Creation of Lock Object
  • System Generated Functions for Lock Objects
  • Fundamentals in ABAP

    Data Types, List Format, Different Operations and Functions:

  • ABAP Editor and different types of Programs
  • Usage of data types and different elementary data types
  • Local GUI, User Own, New Editor, Pretty Printer Settings and Copy screen values
  • REPORT statement and its additions
  • Color identification in the New Editor
  • Steps to rectify the syntax errors
  • Comments-Entire line and partial Line
  • WRITE statement and its useful additions
  • Execution and Rename the Program
  • Mathematical Operations- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Division ,Reminder
  • Mathematical Functions-ABS, SIGN, CEIL, FLOOR, TRUNC, FRAC, SQRT, EXP, LOG..Etc.
  • DATA statement
  • Differences between LIKE and TYPE statements
  • MOVE statement
  • Importance of WRITE statement to Move the data
  • Useful System Fields
  • Text symbols and CONSTANTS
  • Differences between hard coded texts and Text Symbols
  • FORMAT statement and its useful additions
  • Translations
  • Help Documentation
  • ABAPDOCU Transaction code
  • PARAMETERS statement and its useful additions
  • Variants
  • Selection texts
  • Different Execution Modes-Fore Ground and Back Ground
  • Debugger

  • Usage of Debugger
  • Different Types of Break Points
  • Watch points
  • Set/Delete the break points in the debugger
  • Functions key to be used in the debugger
  • Change the data variable values in the debugger
  • Different desktops in the New Debugger
  • Useful functions in the new debugger-Go to statement and Source code
  • Switch to New debugger to Classic debugger and Vice versa
  • Differences between Classic and New Debugger
  • Change and Append the data into an Internal table in the debugger
  • Debug the Background Jobs
  • Debug modal dialogue boxes
  • Conditions

  • IF…...ENDIF
  • Set Operators-AND, OR and BETWEEN
  • Differences between IF and CASE.
  • Numeric Comparison Operations-EQ,LT,LE,GT,GE and NE
  • String Comparison Operations-CA,NA,CO,CN,CS,NS,CP and NP
  • LOOP Statements, Work Areas, Internal tables and SELECT-OPTIONS

    • DO…ENDDO
    • Loop Termination Statements-EXIT,STOP,CONTINUE and CHECK
    • Differences between DO and WHILE Loops
      • Functionality of SELECT and ENDSELECT Loop
      • Work areas
      • Field symbols
      • Differences between Work area and Field Symbol
      • Field strings
      • Types
    • Internal Tables-Standard, Sorted and Hashed
      • Different ways to declare the Internal tables
      • Obsolete ways of declaring the Internal tables
      • Functionality of an Internal table with and without header line
      • CLEAR,REFRESH and FREE statements
  • Differences between Normal Search and Pointer Search
  • Differences between Work area and Internal table
  • Efficient way to copy and delete the Internal tables
  • SELECT-OPTION, its properties and its useful additions
  • TABLES statement
  • Defining SELECT-OPTIONS without using TABLES statement
  • Differences between PARAMETERS and SELECT-OPTIONS
  • SELECTION-SCREEN and its useful additions
  • Where used and Find and Replace functions
  • Modularization Techniques

  • Modularization Techniques Introduction and Different Modularization Techniques
  • Includes

  • *TOP,*SEL and *FORMS Includes
  • Different ways to create an Include Program
  • Reusability of an existing Include program
  • Subroutines

  • Internal and External sub routines
  • Restrictions to sub routines
  • Different methods to pass the parameters
  • Creation of a sub routine
  • Passing Tables to Subroutines
  • Global and Local data
  • Development standards and Naming conventions in Projects
  • Macros

  • Definition
  • Limitations to Macros
  • Function Groups & Function Modules

  • Different types of Function Modules
  • Function Group
  • Different Include programs in the Function Group
  • Creation of Normal function Modules with all the parameters-IMPORT,EXPORT,CHANGING,TABLES and EXCEPTIONS
  • Make use of the Import parameters as Select options
  • Limitations in the source code of the Function Module
  • Execution of the Function Module Independently
  • Ways to find the Function Modules
  • Sequence execution of Function Modules
  • Precautions while calling functions
  • Differences between routines and functions
  • Message Classes

  • Usage of Messages
  • Different Types of Messages
  • Messages without using the Message class
  • Message Class Introduction
  • Different ways to create a message class
  • Different ways to call the message class
  • Short dumps analysis
  • Constants, Text Symbols and Selection Texts
  • Usage of constants, Text Symbols and Selection texts
  • Translations


  • Reports Introduction
  • Different types of Reports
  • ABAP Queries

  • Definition
  • User Group, Info sets and Queries
  • Change the selection screen fields position in the queries
  • Location to write the ABAP code in ABAP Queries
  • Limitations to ABAP Queries
  • Classical Reports

  • Definition
  • Event definition
  • INNER JOIN and FOR ALL ENTRIES statements
  • Pre requisite to use FOR ALL ENTRIES statement
  • SELECT SINGLE and SELECT UP TO 1 ROW statements
  • Differences between SELECT SINGLE and UP TO 1 ROWS
  • Control Break statements-AT FIRST,AT NEW, AT END OF and AT LAST
  • Pre requisite to use BINARY SEARCH, DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATE S and AT NEW statements
  • ON CHANGE OF statement
  • Differences between AT NEW and ON CHANGE OF
  • Conversion routines
  • Read input field values in the selection screen dynamically
  • Performance Tips
  • Performance Tools-Extended Program check, Code Inspector, Run time analysis and SQL Tracer
  • Standard Tables related to the developments
  • Version management function
  • Where used list function
  • Interactive Reports

  • Definition
  • Events associated with Interactive Reports-AT LINE-SELECTION, TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION, AT PF and AT USER-COMMAND
  • Limitations to Interactive Reports
  • HIDE statement
  • Interactive report with GET CURSOR statement
  • How to call T-codes, Programs, Screens, Forms..etc
  • System fields associated with Interactive Reports
  • Menu painter-Creation, Different function Keys
  • ALV Reports

    Using the standard ALV function Modules- Normal ALV

  • ALV Reports Introduction
  • Different type of ALVs
  • ALV List
  • ALV Grid
  • Hierarchical ALV
  • Blocked ALV
  • Useful types in type group SLIS
  • Columns, Rowsand pert cell in different colors
  • Different ways to populate the field catalogue
  • Different ways to populate ALV events
  • Useful ALV events
  • SAP and ABAP Memory
  • Most of the useful functionalities Interactive, customs push buttons,selected rows, Headings, Logos and etc.
  • Layout, Search Help On layouts and Existence of Layouts
  • Using the classes and Methods – Object Oriented ALV (OOALV)

    • Useful standard classes
    • Useful standard methods
    • Useful table types of OOALV
    • Different types of containers
    • Custom container
    • Doc container
    • Splitter container
    • Generate columns dynamically
    • Make Particular Cell as editable
    • Most of the functionalities Interactive, customs push buttons, Headings and etc.
    • Differences between ABAP Queries
    • Differences between classical and Interactive reports
    • Differences between classical and ALV Reports
    • Differences between Normal ALVs and OOALV


  • Difference between local objects and transportable Objects
  • Definition and its usage
  • Transport Request
  • Different types of transport request
  • Creation of Work bench and Customizing request
  • Creation of Package
  • Transferring local objects to packages
  • Transport Organizer or Correction and transportation system (CTS)
  • Release the transport Requests
  • Change the Owner ship of TR and release
  • Multiple tasks under the same TR
  • Remove objects under TR and remove TR
  • Change the Description of TR
  • Standards to be followed to enter the TR descriptions in the real time
  • System land scape and Release Process

  • Definition
  • Different systems in the Land scape
  • Explanation about an each system and its client numbers
  • Import the client dependent changes into Unit test Client from the development Client
  • Dialog / Module Pool Programming/ Transactions

    • MPP Introduction
    • Different components in MPP
    • Different screen elements in the screen painter
    • Screen Attributes
    • Relationship between Screen, Flow Logic and Program
    • Flow Logic Events and usage in the screens
      • Process Before Output (PBO)
      • Process After Input (PAI)
      • Process On Value Request (POV)
      • Process On Help Request (POH)
    • Include Programs in MPP
      • Include TOP
      • Include I01
      • Include O01
      • Include F01
    • Dynamic Screens
      • Leave Screen
      • Leave to Screen
      • Call Screen
      • Set Screen
    • Processing of List from Transaction and Vice Versa
    • MODULE, CHAIN, FIELD statements
    • Screen field validations
    • Data base table Manipulations -MODIFY, UPDATE, DELETE and etc.
    • Usage of Lock Objects
    • Usage of Elements in Screen Layout
    • Normal screens-Input/Output fields, Push Buttons with Icons
    • Sub screens
    • Tab strip control with and without wizard
    • Table Controls with and without Wizard

    File Handling Techniques/ File Interfaces

  • Introduction and functionality
  • Different type of File handling techniques
  • Presentation Server/Front End system

  • Functionality
  • Download and Upload Function Modules
  • Obsolete Function modules
  • Unicode conversion Importance
  • Search help to choose the file path
  • Limitations
  • Function Module to Upload excel file
  • Application Server (AL11)

  • Functionality
  • Importance of Application Server
  • Read the data into a program from AL11
  • Transfer the data from the program to AL11
  • Unicode additions for AL11
  • Direct download from AL11 into front end system
  • Direct Upload from front end system to AL11
  • Search help to choose directory in AL11
  • Logical and Physical file paths
  • Handle Files in Back Ground
  • Data Conversions/ Data Migrations

  • Usage and Functionality
  • Functional Transaction codes identification
  • Sales and Distribution(SD) functional flow with T-codes and Tables
  • Material Management(MM) functional flow with T-codes and Tables
  • Customer and Vendor T-codes and Tables
  • Different methods to migrate the data
  • LSMW

  • Usage and Functionality
  • Different Import methods
  • Location to write ABAP code
  • Batch Data Communication

  • Introduction and Usage
  • Different methods-Session and Call transaction
  • Explanation on each function module in session method
  • Process the session
  • Log file and session over view
  • Explanation on CALL TRANSACTION statement with all the additions
  • Different Process and Update Modes
  • BDCDATA and BDCMSGCOLL structures
  • Steps to handle the messages in call transaction method
  • Screen flow recording
  • Convert the screen flow recording into a program
  • Explanation on BDCRECX1 include program
  • Steps to handle table control in BDC
  • Steps to handle screen resolution and Page Down functionalities in BDC Table Control
  • Advantage of Parallel cursor method and usage
  • Differences between session and call transaction methods
  • Differences between LSMW and BDC
  • Data migration using standard BAPIs

  • Different ways to find the BAPIs
  • Check the BAPI independently
  • Steps to handle messages with BAPIs
  • SAP Script Forms

    • SAP Scripts Introduction
    • Functionality of SAP Script forms
    • Print Program and Useful Functions
    • Components of SAP Scripts
      • Layout Set-Header, Pages, Windows, Page Windows, Paragraph Formats and Character Formats
      • Print Program
      • Function Modules associated with SAP script forms
      • Useful commands such are PROTECT,BOTTOM,STYLE, INCLUDE,ADDRESS,DEFINE….etc
      • Form routines
      • Standard and Application texts
      • Creation of TR for standard texts
      • Useful standard programs associated with script forms
      • Display or Print windows or pages dynamically
      • Transaction codes associated with script forms
      • Tables and Structures associated with SAP script forms
      • Wrap the text in sap script forms
      • Why sap script forms are client dependent
  • Modifying Standard SAP Script Layouts
  • Including Logos
  • Different ways to debug SAP script forms
  • SAP Script Utilities - Upload / Download
  • Copy standard script form and change
  • Graphics Management
  • Insert hyper texts
  • Standard and Application texts
  • Add additional functionalities without changing Print Program
    • Style and Font Maintenance
      • Paragraph Formats
      • Character Formats
      • Character Formats

    Smart Forms

  • Smart Forms Introduction
  • Functionality of Smart forms
  • Why smart forms are client independent
  • Different ways to debug smart forms
  • Smart forms execution with or without using the print program
  • Transaction codes, tables and structures associated with smart forms
  • Text Modules
  • Different nodes
  • Differences between template and table
  • Data extraction in the smart forms
  • Make template node as table
  • Different smart form events
  • Graphics Management
    • Style Maintenance
      • Paragraph Formats
      • Character Formats
  • Download and Upload smart forms
  • Migrate Script form into smart form
  • Convert smart form as PDF and send it as an attachment through mail
  • Differences between script and smart forms
  • Text elements and text symbol translations
  • Forms (Script/smart form) execution through an output type using NACE
  • Enhancements

    Customer Exits

  • User exits
  • Different types of customer exists-Field Exits, Function Exits, Menu Exits and Screen Exits
  • Different ways to find the Exits
  • Importance of SMOD and CMOD Transaction codes
  • Differences between User Exits and Customer Exits
  • BADIS:

  • Different types of BADIs-Classic, Kernel, Filter dependent, Single and Multiple Use BADIs
  • Uses of BADI
  • Different ways to find the BADIs
  • Usage of Fall back class
  • Differences between Classic and Kernel BADIs
  • Differences between Exits and BADIs
  • Enhancement Frame work or Enhancement Points:

  • Different types of frame works
  • Implicit Framework
  • Explicit frameworks
  • Business transaction Events-BTE:

  • Different ways to find BTES
  • Usage of BTEs
  • User Exit

  • Find User exits
  • Implement User Exits without using Access Key
  • VOFM Routines

  • Find VOFM Routines and Implement
  • OSS Notes

  • Find OSS Notes and Implement
  • OOABAP-Object Oriented ABAP

  • Uses of OOABAP
  • Features of OOABAP
  • Object and Class
  • Different types of classes-Local ,Global classes, Friend class and Final class
  • Differences between Local and Global class
  • Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance
  • Interfaces
  • Creation of T-code for OOABAP programs
  • Different types of visibility sections-Private, protected and Public
  • Differences between private, Protected and Public section attributes
  • Static and Instance attributes
  • Different types of methods-Normal, Function and Constructor
  • Up and down casting
  • OOALV with custom, doc and splitter containers
  • Differences between Normal and OO ALV Reports
  • Cross Applications

  • Introduction to Cross Applications and different CA components
  • Introduction to Distributed Environment
  • RFC

  • Introduction to RFC
  • Functionality of
  • Creating RFC Destination between 2 Systems
  • Creating Remote Enabled Function Modules
  • Creating program using Remote Enabled Function Modules
  • BAPIs

  • BAPI Overview
  • Differences between RFC and BAPI
  • Creation of custom BAPI
  • Different ways to find BAPIs
  • Check BAPIs
  • Data migration using standard BAPIS
  • Usage of standard BAPIS
  • ALE and IDOCs

  • ALE Basics
  • Uses of ALE and IDOC
  • Differences between ALE and EDI
  • Overview of Outbound & Inbound Process
  • IDOC Structure-Control, Data and Status Records
  • Different types of segments
  • Port and Partner profiles
  • Message types
  • Different types of RFCs
  • Configuration Steps
  • Define logical systems
  • Assign client to logical system
  • RFC destination
  • Customer distribution model
  • Creating Ports
  • Distribute the data between two clients using the standard IDOCs
  • Additional steps to distribute the data using Change Pointers
  • Extend the IDOCs

  • Overview on HR ABAP
  • Why HR ABAP is different from standard ABAP
  • Most useful tables in HR
  • Useful transaction codes associated with HR ABAP
  • Logical data bases
  • Events associated with LDB
  • Different ways to extract the data from Info types
  • Identification of Standard and Custom Info types
  • Creation and enhancement of custom Info types
  • Function modules and BAPIs associated with HR ABAP
  • Over view Concepts

    ABAP Webdynpro

  • Overview on web dynpro
  • Functionality of web dynpro
  • Uses of web dynpro
  • Different UI elements
  • Demo webdynpro application
  • Adobe Forms

  • Over view on Adobe forms
  • Uses of Adobe forms
  • Differences between normal and Interactive forms
  • Online and offline forms
  • ABAP Workflows

  • Overview on Work flows
  • Uses of Work flows
  • Define workflow
  • Highlights

  • Concept wise Assignments by integrating real time scenarios
  • Concept wise Interview Questions
  • Concept wise Mock Interviews
  • Allow in any number of batches
  • Real time objects for most of the concepts parallel to the course
  • Final assignment by integrating most of the concepts
  • Project with real documents
  • Final mock interview by covering all the concepts
  • Support until get offers
  • References
  • Project with real documents
  • Resume preparation
  • Support project work